Motto | Crest | Song
Motto | Crest | Song
VIA - The Way
We walk confidently and joyfully in the path of life, overcoming all difficulties with fortitude and prayer
VERITAS - The Truth
We are sincere in word, thought and deed. We are open to truth and knowledge
VITA - The Life
We live for others, ready to share, serve and sacrifice
School Crest

Our school badge is meant for all Canossian Schools.
On a dark-blue background there shines a four-pointed star with rays cast
on to a book symbolizing the Star of wisdom radiating on Knowledge.
The star is a symbol of lofty ideas stirring a person to great and noble deeds.
The star represents four basic social virtues –Truth, Justice, Love and Freedom
Sincerity in words and deeds, simplicity, straightforwardness.
Honesty, fairness, respect for the right of others.
We are the children of the same Father in heaven.
Hence, readiness to help and share with others.
Mutual tolerance and consideration for the principles of others.
The Crown above the crest symbolises the Supremacy of God over all and All for the Glory of God.
School Song
United in common endeavour At work, at play, life's lessons we learn Our youthful hearts are filled with ardour For truth and wisdom we yearn
Courageously with heads held high We march ever on through life Schooled in your spirit, Canossa For virtue, true nobility, we strive Schooled in your spirit, Canossa For true virtue we strive Our alma mater, our guardian, our guide Prepare our spirits for duty's call Our country to serve with virtuous might We stand for truth and for right
Courageously with heads held high We march ever on through life Schooled in your spirit, Canossa For virtue, true nobility, we strive Schooled in your spirit, Canossa For true virtue we strive
School Song
Disclaimer: All photos and videos were taken either pre-Covid, or with adherence and compliance to prevailing government regulations and COVID-19 safe management measures.