Applied Learning Programme MAKE @ CCPS
Applied Learning Programme - M.A.K.E@CCPS
We believe that every student in CCPS will
- Make a difference especially in sustaining the environment,
- Apply Design Thinking, Technology, Knowledge of Science & Environment, and Mathematics,
- Kindle their spirit of innovation through experimentation / prototyping, having the courage to try and not afraid of failing,
- Exercise initiative in learning, making improvement and collaborating with others.
Our students participate in various collaborative team-based project work. Through application of Design Thinking processes, they learn to empathise with the people affected by certain issues, identify the problem and design a solution to address the problem identified. In order to enact students’ solutions in some way, block-based programming is introduced progressively across all levels through various coding modules and our students get to apply their Mathematics and Science concepts, reasoning and logical thinking in their projects which are anchored on the theme of sustainability. Having a focus on sustainability is part of the school’s response to “Laudato Si’”, the Pope’s encyclical letter, which urges the Catholics to take action against the injustice of climate change and calls for care of our common home, Earth, and to protect the poor and future generations.
The Environment and Me
Our Primary 1 students are introduced to coding through KUBO Robotics, which provides a screen-free concrete experience in coding. Using tagtiles, they learn to programme the movements for KUBO, a little robot, and are introduced to the concept of direction and programme it to solve a real-world sustainability problem identified (e.g. land pollution).

Saving the Environment
At Primary 2, our students learn how to programme an avatar using SCRATCH Jr, creating characters to move, swirl, follow lines and speak through dialogue texts. They explore environmental issues such as air pollution and their impact on the environment. Through storyboarding, they communicate to their audience how they can play their part in saving Mother Earth e.g. changing lifestyles which are sustainable.
Conservation of Environment I
Our Primary 3 students learn how to use Lego Wedo 2.0 (an introductory invention kit) and Scratch (a block-based coding programme), and work together in groups to create a game related to the conservation of environment (e.g energy conservation). They also learn to break down problems, recognise patterns by looking for similarities in problems faced and working out the steps to solve their problems.

Conservation of Environment II
At Primary 4, our students apply their knowledge in Science, Mathematics and technology as they use Micro:bit to design a prototype of a water pump and lighting system to address identified problems related to the conservation of the environment (e.g. water and energy conservation). Through the collaborative project, our students learn to problem solve in a team. They also learn the importance of resilience as they innovate and seek improvement.

Creating a Sustainable Environment
Each Primary 5 class identifies and focuses on a strand of sustainability where the students apply the Design Thinking process and put themselves in the shoes of the people they are studying to understand the issues they are facing. Having identified a problem or a need related to this group of people, the students apply the appropriate programme (Micro:bit and/or Scratch) to develop a solution for the identified problem / need. Through this process, they realise that there is much value in learning how to use programming tools and applying them to create prototypes to make improvements to the lives of those around them.

On top of the above-mentioned mass programmes which were offered at the respective levels.
Our Multimedia Club students have the opportunities to deepen their learning on coding and develop their thinking skills further through Robotics & Maker – Roboticist Jr and Robotics & Maker – Maker Jr programmes.
Our P3 to P5 students are offered an opportunity to learn SPIKE Lego during the Interest Week. This is an intuitive hands-on solution designed to develop students’ confidence in STEAM concepts via learning through play. Easily adaptable to fit any learning environment, SPIKE Prime builds critical thinking, resilience and independence - essential skills for future success.
In line with our school’s vision of Leaders of Hope, Sowers of Change, our school has been proactively impressing upon our students to respond to the call to fight climate change which is a global problem and to care for this earth, our home, God’s beautiful creation and preparing them to be responsible citizens to meet the complex environmental challenges we are currently facing.
Disclaimer: All photos and videos were taken either pre-Covid, or with adherence and compliance to prevailing government regulations and COVID-19 safe management measures.