The A B C of Canossian Leadership
The A.B.C. of Canossian Leadership
The A.B.C. of Canossian Leadership, CCPS Learning for Life Programme (LLP), leverages on our school’s Co-Curricula programmes, CCAs and Design Thinking platforms where our children can explore and discover their inherent potential, grow their passion and develop skills in their area of interest to develop the leader in every child.
every child will be
Anchored as Advocate
Blaze as Beacon
have Courage as Catalyst
Taking reference from Kouzes’ and Posner’s Student Leadership Challenge, Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others of Act, Encourage the Heart, aligning to our principles of a Canossian Leader and building on our school’s current tiered leadership, our children will be strengthened in the following aspects of leadership progressively through our 3-prong approach Equipping - Empowering - Enriching that frames the children’s learning and mastery, showcase and outreach platforms:
Model the Way
- Being the best version of themselves in everything they say and do
- Knowing and doing what is good and just even when no one is watching
Inspire a Shared Vision
- Knowing that they are created in God’s image and so is everyone else
- Knowing their purpose in life
Challenge the Process
- Being keenly aware that they can make things better
- Making wherever they are a loving place
Enable Others to Act
- Knowing that they still must grow
- Making others feel belonged
Encourage the Heart
- Advocating for all that is good and just
- Being a trusted friend

The Canossian Leadership Symposium, held from 13 to 16 May 2024, was a successful and inspiring event that brought together student leaders from Canossian Schools in Singapore, Malaysia, and the E5 Cluster Schools. The symposium, centered around the theme “Accendi La Vita,” celebrated leadership through the life of Mother Foundress, St Magdalene. It featured an inspiring opening address by Sr Geraldine Tan, followed by the sharing of the 10 Canossian Principles and interactive activities like the “Called by His Amazing Grace” Amazing Race facilitated by the CCPS Prefects. The event aimed to inspire and empower young leaders, emphasizing the importance of unity and collaboration.
The symposium continued with engaging activities that fostered teamwork and problem-solving skills, including the introduction of the Design Thinking protocol. On the final day, students showcased their Design Thinking projects, addressing real-life issues within their schools and communities. The event concluded with reflections on leadership growth, marking the beginning of a journey towards sustainable and impactful leadership. Over the four days, the symposium provided valuable opportunities for student leaders to enhance their skills, build networks, and work together toward positive change, leaving a lasting impact on the Canossian community and beyond.
Disclaimer: All photos and videos were taken either pre-Covid, or with adherence and compliance to prevailing government regulations and COVID-19 safe management measures.