- Howard Gardner
The CCPS Science departmental programmes are developed so as to ignite and nurture our students’ passion for Science. Through inquiry-based learning, students are provided with myriad opportunities to acquire knowledge and concepts based on investigations, apply science process skills so as to inquire about the world, communicate findings and develop attitudes and values that are essential to the practice of science.
We recognise that children are naturally curious and have a sense of wonderment about the things around them and we leverage on this by designing learning journeys both within and outside school.
Department Key Programmes
P3 to 5 Excellence 2000 (E2K) Science Programme
The E2K Science Programme Singapore is a Science enrichment programme for primary students who demonstrate interest and ability in science. The programme is adapted from Israel’s E2K Programme which is developed by the Israel Centre for Excellence through Education (ICEE). The programme aims to develop scientific inquiry process skills among high-ability primary students in Science, as well as nurture other important 21st century competencies such as resilience and resourcefulness, critical and inventive thinking, and effective communication skills.
Students learn Science by going through the same process that scientists use to generate knowledge in Science. Just as scientists make mistakes in the real world, students are allowed to make mistakes in E2K and teachers help students to learn from the mistakes. Through collaborative learning and guidance provided by the teacher, students practise scientific thinking and reasoning, develop confidence and independence in carrying out scientific inquiry as well as scientific habits, attitudes and dispositions.
P4 Vertical Garden Programme
Students at the P4 level will be introduced to the concept of a vertical garden which is a solution to address a lack of land for plants. This solution requires students to understand concepts such as the conditions necessary for plants to thrive. Learning is now more meaningful the teaching of concepts is interwoven with process skills. The vertical garden setup demonstrates how solutions are achieved through a deeper understanding of scientific concepts.

Abbott Young Scientist Award for P4
In an attempt to inspire innovators of tomorrow, CCPS supports the Abbot Young Scientist award to recognise students who demonstrate a keen interest in the pursuit of science. Selected students will have the chance to participate in a structured programme at the Science Centre where they will receive mentoring and have the opportunity to present their work.
CCPS tech-Garden Trail
This trail aims to enthuse and excite students in the garden of wonderment where they will learn more about the variety of plants and organisms in the community through QR codes that provide merged reality experiences for students.
Strategically placed QR codes in the garden enable students to take greater ownership of their learning as they access knowledge on-the-go. This puts the student at the heart of the learning.
Students will be aware of how tapping on technology can address challenges such as the lack of space for plant growth. An appreciation of the time and effort invested in farming is derived as values and attitudes related to farming will be discussed with students who more often than not, do not have the opportunity to experience farming, while living in an urban landscape.
Practices of Science (POS) Learning Packages for P3-P6
Practices of Science (POS) serves to highlight that Science is more than the acquisition of a body of knowledge; it is also a way of thinking and doing. The POS represents the set of established procedures and practices associated with scientific inquiry, how scientific knowledge is generated and established, as well as how Science could be applied in society.
In particular, it is important to appreciate that the three components representing the cognitive, epistemic and social aspects of POS are intricately related. In the learning of Science, students will need to use concepts and integrate skills and processes to inquire about the world around them. Our learning packages cater to different learning styles and help students hone their skills.
Department Strategies
Inquiry Based Learning using the BSCS 5E instructional model
TCA (for MCQ)
Topic – Which topic is this question from?
C oncept – Which scientific concept is this question testing me?
A pply – Eliminate distractors which are definitely incorrect.
OCE (for open-ended questions)
Observation – What are the clues in the question?
Concept – Which scientific concept is this question testing me?
Explain – Ensuring that the question is answered by linking concept to the question posed.
Experiential Learning
We believe that the learning of science should be meaningful to students. As such, opportunities are provided for students to visit places where they can learn about how science is applied in the world around them and get a glimpse into the minds of scientists.
Our students will have a chance to participate in learning journeys to :
Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum and Singapore Botanical Garden for P3
Spread over 2500 square metres, the public gallery consists of 15 zones with different sections devoted to the origin of life and all major branches of the Tree of Life. This allows students to appreciate the wide diversity of Singapore’s historical species, understand the history of life on earth and environmental issues and associated conservation attempts.
Students will also experience a taster of how it is to be a Scientist visiting the Singapore Botanical Gardens, a UNESCO World Heritage Site inscribed in 2015. The Gardens is the first and only tropical botanic garden on the UNESCO’s World Heritage List. Today, the Gardens is an important botanical institute which have a wide diversity of life which students will get to experience.
Science Centre for Primary 4-5
Students will attend workshops such as the:
Heat and Temperature workshop
The objective is for students to better appreciate the effects of heat from the hands-on demonstrations and understand how measures of heat are determined.
Diversity of Cells workshop
The objective is for students to understand what cells are and know that there is a diversity of cells on earth. Through the hands-on use of the microscope, students will prepare sample slides using simple staining methods and learn how to view the microbes.
Zoo / Sungei Buloh for Primary 6
From visiting the Singapore Zoo / Sungei Buloh, students will undertake an interdisciplinary trail in an authentic learning environment to apply concepts from subjects which they have learnt. This is to help them achieve a deeper understanding of these concepts.
Disclaimer: All photos and videos were taken either pre-Covid, or with adherence and compliance to prevailing government regulations and COVID-19 safe management measures.