The six-year English Language (EL) curriculum aims to develop students to be confident and effective communicators of the English Language. It is aligned with the National Syllabus and STELLAR curriculum. Language is a means of communication, guided by purpose, audience, context and culture; hence language learning is a meaningful and an engaging experience for our students in CCPS.
The EL Programme aims to:
- Instil a love for lifelong reading
- Develop critical thinking through extensive reading and responding to texts
- Develop in students a good level of language proficiency to enable effective speaking, reading and writing.
- Help students interact effectively by making the correct linguistic choices to suit purpose, audience, context and culture.
- Emphasise differentiation of instruction to meet the special needs, abilities and interests of our students
The foundation of EL learning will be strengthened through:
- A greater focus on oral communication – listening & speaking
- Enjoyment in the learning of English through fun-filled activities
- The explicit teaching of grammar in context (focus on word, phrase & sentence level grammar)
- Phonemic awareness, phonics & early literacy skills – lay foundation for acquiring reading fluency, comprehension & viewing skills and strategies progressively
- Word study skills and extensive reading & viewing – building & use of vocabulary progressively
- Development of writing skills & learner strategies
- Extensive opportunities for engagement in sustained, authentic & creative writing
Reading Intervention:
The Reading Intervention Programmes include the following:
Language Support Programme (LSP)
This is an MOE’s early intervention programme for Primary 1 and Primary 2 students who have not attained developmentally appropriate language and literacy skills in English Language. Students who enter Primary 1 and struggle with oral and reading skills will be taught basic oral language, reading and spelling skills so that they can learn and follow in their regular classes. These students will continue with the programme in Primary 2 if they have not attained developmentally appropriate language and literacy skills in English.
Remedial Reading Programme (RRP)
RRP is another of MOE’s additional literacy support programmes and is implemented at Primary 3 and Primary 4 for students who still have weak literacy skills despite having completed the Learning Support Programme in Primary 1 and Primary 2. The programme teaches students a range of strategies for reading and reading comprehension which will enable them to better manage their learning in their regular classrooms.
School-based Dyslexia Remediation (SDR)
SDR is a 2-year intervention programme to support identified students with dyslexia in Primary 3 and Primary 4. The programme is conducted in small groups by trained school personnel using a remediation curriculum designed by MOE Reading Specialists. In Primary 3, students are taught reading and spelling skills to help them learn better in their regular classes. In Primary 4, students are also taught comprehension skills, in addition to reading and spelling skills.
Structured Reading Programme
This programme aims to provide targeted reading support for students in P1 and P2 who need help to decode independently through the acquisition of phonics & phonological awareness (sound blending) and the reading high frequency words.
Extensive Reading Programme
This programme aims to help students expand and extend students’ reading beyond the curriculum.
Effective Communication:
Show & Tell
Show & Tell is part and parcel of the Primary 1 & Primary 2 EL curriculum. It provides opportunities for students to build up their confidence level, self-esteem, social and listening skills. This helps them to become confident communicators.
Retelling activity has been rolled out for Primary 3 & Primary 4 students as part of their EL learning in the classroom. Retelling promotes thinking and metacognition along with Think Aloud, KWL and generating questions. It also provides opportunities for students to improve their verbal and comprehension skills as students begin to understand sequence, plot, and characterization as they build vocabulary and comprehension skills.
1-Minute Talk:
This activity is aimed at Primary 5 & Primary 6 students to help students build up their oracy skills as well as to make them think on their feet. Students need to express their opinions and views on a given topic within a minute using appropriate vocabulary.
Canossian Writing Programme
Our Canossian Writing Programme recognises our students as writers who seek to hone their craft. Carefully-crafted mini-lessons allow for the discussion and unpacking of authentic mentor texts for students to develop different writing techniques and styles. Teachers model the process by working on their own writing and conduct conferences with individual students. The students’ written work is then published for their peers to read so that students grow comfortable seeing themselves as part of a writing community, become more willing to take more risks and dive deeper into the process. In addition, they can get ideas from their peers’ writing.
Creative Writing
Creative Writing has been introduced in Primary 1 & Primary 2 to encourage students to exercise their creativity and use their imagination. At the same time, students are provided with opportunities to develop their ‘voice’ and communicate their thoughts and ideas freely. An annual Creative Writing Competition is also conducted for our students.
Students are encouraged to read widely and respond to what they read. Journaling aims to develop students’ personal response and critical thinking skills.
I Love Literature:
In line with the latest English Language Syllabus, “I Love Literature” gives every student a head-start in a literature-based approach to EL learning with an emphasis on critical thinking, life skills and vocabulary. Our students participate in lively discussions on these literary works to make meaningful connections. They are inspired by the writer’s craft, language and style and are given opportunities to respond in creative ways to what they have read.

Department Strategies
Strategies for Effective Communication:
These strategies help students become competent communicators who convey ideas and information successfully during a conversation.
P1-P4: the 3Rs Strategy
From P1 to P4, students adopt the 3Rs strategy – reply-reason-relate – to develop their responses.
P5-P6: The P-E-E-L strategy
From P5 to P6, the PEEL strategy – Point-Evidence-Explanation-Link – is taught.
Students are taught effective annotation - how to actively interact with the text to enhance their comprehension of, recollection of and reaction to the text.
C-U-B (Circle-Underline-Box)
Students are also taught to analyse comprehension questions so they know what each question requires and can respond appropriately.
T-I-P-S Strategy (Tense-Information-Punctuation-Spelling)
This strategy is used when students check their answers. It is also used for Synthesis and Transformation questions.
T-P-T-P Strategy (Tense-Pronoun-Time-Place)
This strategy is used to ensure accuracy when changing direct speech to reported speech and vice versa.
Disclaimer: All photos and videos were taken either pre-Covid, or with adherence and compliance to prevailing government regulations and COVID-19 safe management measures.