Student Wellbeing
Student Wellbeing
The Canossian Character Formation Student Management Department aims to develop:
- Positive Canossian Teacher-Student-Relationship of respect and support where our students display growth mindset towards learning in a safe and motivational environment
- Support structures and programmes to provide timely and appropriate interventions in order to address students’ learning, social and emotional needs
- Canossian Leaders of Life (LOL) with self-leadership skills for effective self-management and self-regulation anchored on the school’s core values of Charity, Humility, Forgiveness and Faith, serving others with humility and compassion in the Canossian spirit of love as Leaders of Hope, Sowers of Change
Systems and Support Programmes
Teacher-Student Interaction Time
Teacher-student interaction is a one-to-one quality time spent between form teacher and student. It is a weekly structured time implemented during FTGP to build quality teacher-student relationships where form teachers get to know each student and gain an in-depth knowledge of every student in their class. This approach allows teachers to identify their students’ needs and nurture their character traits. This is also an important platform for building the teacher-student relationship so that students will feel comfortable and safe to open up and seek help from their teachers.
Our school adopts a positive and proactive approach as well as a restorative management approach in discipline. Our Foundress St Magdalene believes in instilling discipline with firmness yet gentleness, ‘nurturing each in her/his own way’. The Canossian education emphasises on ‘forming hearts, enlightening minds, and empowering spirits’. In the teaching of values in the process of correction, not punishment, it aims to develop the ‘greater spiritual good’ in each student according to her/his uniqueness and character.
Our disciplinary approach empowers students to be reflective and responsible by helping them learn from their mistakes in a caring and supportive school environment. In the reflection process, we consciously teach our students the school’s core values of Charity, Humility, Forgiveness and Faith, and SEL competencies as they reflect on their mistakes and learn from them. They are empowered to restore relationships through restitution, resolution and reconciliation. Students are guided to experience the value of humility, forgiveness and self worthiness.
Our school counselling programme comprises both psycho-education and counselling intervention. In the developmental primary school years, some students are at-risk of academic failure/underachievement, antisocial/delinquent behaviours and mental health problems. These students require additional support to develop positive social and emotional well-being.
Our school counsellor organises programmes to proactively educate our students on topics addressing their developmental social-emotional needs. It aims to equip students with knowledge and skills to develop positive relationships, mental health and resilience.
Our counselling referral system is as shown:

Parental consent is required when a student is referred to the School Counsellor for counselling. This system aims to provide timely intervention and support to address students’ social-emotional needs and help them cope and meet their academic and non-academic needs.
Peer Support System
In CCPS, we raise our students to be Canossians who ‘Believe, Belong and Become’. This means that no Canossian is left behind. We believe in the importance of a positive peer culture, where we deliberately choose peer support as an approach to build a caring and inclusive school environment and nurture a sense of belonging and well-being for all our students.
The following systems have been implemented:
- P1 & P4 Buddy system
- P1 to P6 Class Buddy system
- Class Group Work system
- Class Peer Support Leaders

Rainbow Programme
The Rainbow Programme is a support programme for P1 to P4 students who experience a significant loss in their lives, either by death, divorce or separation of parents. Through the guidance of a trained adult facilitator and the support of peers, students sort through and understand their grief feelings and thoughts so as to come to a healthy acceptance of the painful changes in their families and be empowered to lead happy and meaningful lives.
Student Leadership
- Click here to read more on Student Leadership
Disclaimer: All photos and videos were taken either pre-Covid, or with adherence and compliance to prevailing government regulations and COVID-19 safe management measures.